Summer sky
2008.02.17. 03:36 Teklus
Looking up into the summer sky
I can see a cloud gently glide by
A little bird whistling a playful song
A kite with a tail that's very long
Then all of the sudden an ugly grey cloud came
I knew it meant it would rain.
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Rainy day
2007.12.23. 21:16 Teklus
Outside 'tis raining
And my heart is awaiting
For the sun to come out.
And I'll cheer out loud,
When the clouds go away
I'll go outside and play.
4 komment
2007.12.23. 21:07 Teklus
A snowflake falls gently on the ground
Not even making a little sound.
Let them sleep and with a graceful glide
It'll wake them up iin the morning light.
1 komment · 1 trackback
2007.12.23. 20:55 Teklus
A nevem Gáspár Tekla, 9 éves vagyok, 4. osztályba járok. Időnként szoktam verseket, történeteket írni, főleg angolul, és a nagynéném férje javasolta, hogy kezdjek egy blogot, hogy ők is el tudják olvasni, amiket írok.
Nemsokára újra jelentkezem néhány korábbi alkotással.
My name is Tekla Gaspar, I am 9 years old and in 4th grade. I like to write poems and stories, mostly in English. The husband of my aunt suggested to start a blog where they can also read my writings.
I'll be back soon with some of my earlier creations.